Sleeping Under Covers: The Truth About Carbon Dioxide Levels

As humans, we’ve developed a range of habits that vary from person to person, and some of them may be surprising. One particular habit that’s prevalent is sleeping under the covers. It isn’t just about creating a cozy environment or shielding yourself from the cold; there are underlying comfort reasons that make this habit popular. However, there’s a downside to it that often goes unnoticed. While sleeping with covers can create a comfortable and warm environment, it can also trap in excess carbon dioxide near your face, which can have a negative impact on your health. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in your sleeping environment can increase your heart and respiratory rates, leading to an uncomfortable and potentially disruptive sleep pattern. So, it’s essential to know the negative effects of this habit on your body parts, especially the head, and take some precautions to ensure that your overall health isn’t impacted in the long run.

Can You Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Under a Blanket?

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious condition that results from inhaling excessive amounts of carbon monoxide (CO). This gas is produced by fuel-burning appliances such as gas stoves, fireplaces, and furnaces. The symptoms of CO poisoning include dizziness, headaches, nausea, and shortness of breath. If left untreated, it can lead to severe brain damage or even death.

Although there hasn’t been any study specifically examining the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning under a blanket, it’s highly unlikely that such an event could occur. The reason for this is that carbon monoxide is produced as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel. If you’re under a blanket, there’s no fuel burning in your immediate vicinity that could lead to a buildup of carbon monoxide. Furthermore, your body will alert you if there’s a shortage of oxygen, which isn’t the case in carbon monoxide poisoning.

It’s important to note that a lack of oxygen can occur if your blanket is too thick or if you’re breathing through a face mask that isn’t providing enough air flow. While this can be uncomfortable, it isn’t the same as carbon monoxide poisoning. In this case, you simply need to remove the blanket or adjust the mask to ensure that you’re getting adequate oxygen.

In general, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is highest in enclosed spaces where fuel-burning appliances are present. For example, if you’ve a gas stove in your kitchen and the cooking area isn’t properly ventilated, there’s a risk of carbon monoxide buildup.

To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, it’s important to ensure that all fuel-burning appliances are properly installed and ventilated. These detectors will alert you if there’s a buildup of carbon monoxide in your home so that you can take action to prevent exposure.

This increase in CO2 levels can result in a stuffy and uncomfortable room, leading to poor air quality and potential health risks. In this article, we will discuss ways to mitigate high levels of carbon dioxide in your bedroom and improve your home’s air quality.

Why Is CO2 High in My Bedroom?

This is because we exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product of respiration. When the room is closed, the carbon dioxide released by occupants accumulates and builds up. A lack of proper ventilation exacerbates this problem since there’s nowhere for the carbon dioxide to go. This results in a build-up of carbon dioxide in the room, leading to higher concentrations of the gas.

The effects of high levels of carbon dioxide in the bedroom can be detrimental to your health. So it’s important to ensure that your bedroom is sufficiently ventilated to allow for the escape of carbon dioxide and the introduction of fresh air.

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining healthy living environments. If you don’t have windows that open, an air exchange system may be an option to reduce concentrations of carbon dioxide. While some air purifiers claim to remove carbon dioxide, the technology doesn’t yet exist to do so effectively. Therefore, ventilation is the most effective way to remove carbon dioxide from the air.

While there are a variety of factors that can cause high concentrations of carbon dioxide, identifying the sources of the gas in your particular situation can help you make better decisions on how to manage it. Always consult with an air quality specialist if you’re uncertain about the best course of action to take.

The Connection Between Carbon Dioxide Buildup and Poor Sleep Quality, and Tips for Improving Sleep in a Poorly Ventilated Bedroom.

  • The buildup of carbon dioxide in poorly ventilated rooms affects the quality of sleep.
  • Carbon dioxide buildup can lead to headaches, dizziness, and restlessness during sleep.
  • Improving ventilation by opening windows, using fans or air purifiers, and maintaining a comfortable room temperature can help reduce carbon dioxide levels and improve sleep quality.
  • Plants such as snake plants, spider plants, aloe vera, and peace lilies can help purify the air in the bedroom and improve sleep quality.
  • Avoid using chemical air fresheners or synthetic fragrances as they can worsen indoor air quality and impact sleep quality negatively.
  • Frequent dusting and cleaning of bedding can also help improve air quality and promote better sleep.

Source: How Bedroom CO2 Levels Impact Restful Sleep

In addition to affecting air quality and climate change, carbon dioxide has a surprising impact on our sleep quality. Studies suggest that high levels of CO2 can disrupt our REM cycles and leave us feeling groggy in the morning. This highlights the importance of monitoring indoor air quality for optimal sleep health.

What Effect Does CO2 Have on Sleep?

Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas that’s a byproduct of respiration. We exhale more carbon dioxide than we inhale, which means that carbon dioxide levels in our environment can quickly build up if we don’t have adequate ventilation. When we Sleep, our respiratory rate slows down, and if the room were sleeping in isnt well-ventilated, carbon dioxide can build up, leading to a variety of negative effects.

Another problem with excessive carbon dioxide in our environment is that it can cause a buildup of lactic acid in our bodies. Lactic acid increases metabolic acidosis, which can lead to fatigue, headaches, nausea, and other symptoms. When we breathe in air with high carbon dioxide levels, our bodies struggle to remove the excess carbon dioxide from our systems. This buildup of carbon dioxide then leads to an increase in lactic acid in our bodies, causing these unwanted side effects.

Furthermore, reduced oxygen levels in the body, which can be caused by high carbon dioxide levels, can increase our heart rate and blood pressure, which can cause cardiovascular problems. When we breathe air with high carbon dioxide levels, we also breathe in less oxygen. This can lead to a range of respiratory issues, like shortness of breath and wheezing, which can further impact our sleep quality.

Good ventilation and ensuring that we sleep in a well-ventilated room free from high levels of carbon dioxide can help us alleviate these unwanted effects. Moreover, regular exercise, reducing stress, and improving our overall health can also help our bodies cope better with excess carbon dioxide in the environment. Whilst carbon dioxide is naturally occurring, it’s necessary to maintain a healthy balance to ensure that we experience quality sleep and maintain a healthy mind and body.

In addition to using plants and opening windows, there are other effective methods to reduce CO2 at night. With simple adjustments to your daily routine and habits, you can promote better indoor air quality and lower your carbon footprint. Let’s explore some more ways to achieve this goal.

How Can I Reduce CO2 at Night?

Another effective way to reduce CO2 at night is to turn off any unnecessary electronics such as TV, computer, or other gadgets before going to sleep. These devices emit CO2 and other harmful pollutants, which can linger in the air and affect your health. By minimizing the use of these devices, you can reduce the amount of CO2 in your home and promote a healthier sleeping environment.

You can also improve the air quality in your home by replacing your filters regularly. HVAC systems and air purifiers can trap CO2 and other pollutants, but they need cleaning and maintenance to function correctly. A dirty filter can clog up and reduce the effectiveness of these devices, which can lead to higher levels of CO2 in your home. Check and replace your filters regularly to make sure that they’re working effectively.

Products that release harmful pollutants such as paints, cleaning chemicals, and air fresheners, can drastically increase the level of CO2 in your home. Opt for products that are responsibly made, organic, natural and free of harsh chemicals to reduce your exposure to CO2.

Leaving the lights on throughout the night generates heat, which can increase the temperature in your home and indirectly increase the CO2 levels. By turning off the light before going to bed, you won’t only reduce CO2 but also save on your energy bills.

By following some of the tips above, you can promote a healthier home environment, improve your quality of sleep, and reduce your impact on the environment. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference in reducing CO2 levels, so start by implementing one or two of these tips into your daily routine today!

Furthermore, covering our faces while sleeping can also lead to other potential health risks, such as increasing the risk of respiratory infections or aggravating existing respiratory conditions. In this article, we will explore in depth the different reasons why we should avoid covering our face while sleeping and the potential consequences it can have on our health.

Why We Should Not Cover Your Face While Sleeping?

Additionally, covering our face while sleeping can lead to acne breakouts, skin irritation, and even wrinkles. Our skin needs ventilation to prevent sweat and impurities from clogging our pores, and covering our face can restrict the flow of air, contributing to these issues. It’s important to keep in mind that our skin needs to breathe, and thus, we shouldn’t obstruct it, especially during the eight hours of rest we get each night.

The discomfort of feeling trapped under covers or a pillow can create feelings of uneasiness and even panic. This can disrupt our sleep and affect our mental wellbeing. By allowing air to circulate around our face, we can enjoy a more peaceful and comfortable sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

In rare cases, sleeping with your face covered for an extended period can lead to carbon dioxide poisoning. This is especially true for infants and toddlers as their respiratory systems aren’t yet fully formed. The buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and shortness of breath. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure infants and small children aren’t sleeping with their faces covered.

The face has many small blood vessels that help regulate our body temperature. Covering it with a blanket or pillow can interrupt this process, and our body can overheat. This can lead to uncomfortable sleep and dehydration, making you feel sluggish and drained the next day.

It’s important to make sure we’re giving ourselves the best possible chance for a good nights sleep. Lets prioritize our health by developing healthy sleep habits and making sure we’re getting adequate amounts of rest each night.


In conclusion, sleeping under covers can be a comforting and soothing habit for many people. However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential health risks associated with this practice. Covering your whole body, especially your head, can lead to a buildup of carbon dioxide, which can ultimately lead to increased heart and respiratory rates, higher body temperatures, and potential harm to specific body parts or long-term overall health. It’s essential to find a comfortable sleeping environment without causing potential harm to one's health. Therefore, it’s recommended to avoid sleeping under overly thick or heavy covers. With conscious effort and awareness, one can ensure a healthy sleeping environment that will provide a sound and rejuvenating night's sleep.

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